I have decided that I'm want to do a book challenge. You are welcome to join me, or just read about mine, or make up your own challenge! But here's my question: What should I read?? I looked at several book challenges online and couldn't find any that I liked so I made up my own outline. I am setting my goal at 50 books with no set time limit and now I need some input. My categories are:
-10 Fiction
-5 Non Fiction
-5 Kids/Juniors
-5 Teen
-5 Missionary/Non Fiction Spiritual
-5 Inspirational Fiction
-5 Sci-fi/ Fantasy
-5 Classics
-5 What-ever-happens-to catch-my-eye
I want all of the books I choose to be ones I have never read before and my goal is to blog a review about each of them. Have some suggestions? Tell me them! Want to join in? Please do!